June 13, 2024

Lukmaan IAS

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THE CONTEXT: A cosmic ray that has been dubbed ‘Amaterasu’ appears to have reached the earth from an empty part of the universe.


  • In May 2021, Japanese scientist made a groundbreaking discovery in cosmic physics – a super-energetic cosmic ray event named ‘Amaterasu.’
  • This cosmic phenomenon, the second-highest-energy cosmic ray ever recorded, has captured the attention of the scientific community due to its mysterious origin and exceptional energy levels.

Amaterasu’s Journey to Earth

  • The journey of Amaterasu begins in the vastness of outer space, arriving on Earth as a cosmic ray.
  • These energetic particles, comprising protons and alpha particles, originate from both outer space and the sun.
  • While low-intensity cosmic rays reach Earth’s surface, high-energy ones like Amaterasu interact with atmospheric gases, producing particle showers crucial for sustaining life on Earth.
  • Since their discovery in the 1930s, cosmic rays have played a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of subatomic particles.
  • However, their sources and the reasons behind their extraordinary energy levels have remained elusive, posing a persistent mystery for scientists even after 86 years.

Stars appear to rotate above a facility of the Telescope Array, the cosmic-ray observatory in Utah, the U.S., whose data contained evidence the ‘Amaterasu’ event.

Amaterasu’s Extraordinary Energy Levels

  • Amaterasu’s energy, measured at 240 exa-electron-volt (EeV), is 40 million times higher than the energy generated by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
  • This revelation emphasizes the significance of cosmic rays as a unique source of extremely high-energy particles, despite humanity’s best efforts in particle acceleration.
  • Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs), like Amaterasu, provide valuable insights into extragalactic sources, possessing energies surpassing 1 EeV.
  • The suppression of cosmic rays with energy levels exceeding 60 EeV due to cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation creates a limit for their survival during space travel.
  • This limit, estimated at 50-100 megaparsecs, becomes a critical factor in understanding cosmic ray origins.

The Mystery of Amaterasu’s Origin

  • Amaterasu presents a unique challenge as it seemingly comes from an empty region of the universe.
  • Japanese Scientist and his colleagues propose three potential explanations:
    • unidentified sources,
    • interaction with stronger-than-expected magnetic fields altering its direction, or
    • the need for a paradigm shift in high-energy particle physics beyond the Standard Model.
  • Drawing parallels with the “Oh My God” particle detected in 1991, which remains the most energetic cosmic ray ever recorded at 320 EeV, Amaterasu’s discovery opens avenues for further exploration and understanding of the cosmic realm.

Solar and Galactic Cosmic Rays: A Cosmic Tapestry

  • Distinguishing between galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar cosmic rays, scientists track their trajectories to glean insights into the early universe’s elemental composition.
  • The intricate dance of cosmic rays, influenced by magnetic fields and celestial events like supernovae, shapes our understanding of the cosmos.

Implications for Theories and Future Discoveries

  • Amaterasu’s unprecedented energy levels challenge existing theories, urging scientists to refine their understanding of cosmic phenomena.
  • Tracking cosmic rays not only enhances our comprehension of the universe’s building blocks but also serves as a testament to the continuous quest for knowledge in the field of astrophysics.

Conclusion: Amaterasu Lighting the Path Forward

  • In unraveling the mysteries of Amaterasu, scientists embark on a journey to deepen our understanding of the universe.
  • This cosmic enigma not only fuels scientific curiosity but also holds the potential to reshape our comprehension of high-energy physics, guiding future explorations into the cosmic unknown.
  • As humanity continues to decode the language of the cosmos, Amaterasu stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards new frontiers in physics and astrophysics.

SOURCE: https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/amaterasu-cosmic-ray-physics-explained/article67690711.ece

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