THE CONTEXT: In the last decade, the Sahel region has grappled with issues like terrorism, insecurity, and trafficking, leading to several military takeovers that have raised international concern. Notably, Niger’s recent coup attracted significant attention due to its prior image as a democratic model in the region.


  • The Sahel has become a focal point for key global actors, including the European Union (EU), France, Russia, China, and the United States, despite the prevalent challenges in the region.
  • Main reasons for interests in the Sahel region are as follows:
    • availability of natural resources
    • strategic location of the region in Africa
    • economic interests of the countries involved in the scramble
    • defence and security cooperation in the form of arms sales.
  • Foreign powers all have their reasons to be involved in the scramble for the Sahel.

Reasons Behind Foreign Powers’ Interest:

  • France’s Interests:
    • Historical ties from colonial rule established strong economic, defense, and resource extraction cooperation between France and its former Sahelian colonies.
    • Despite recent coups and growing anti-France sentiments across Africa, France is keen on maintaining influence, especially in military cooperation and resource extraction in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger.
    • Despite countries severing military partnerships, France remains reluctant to withdraw its military presence and continues to extract natural resources, aiming to uphold its grip on the region.
  • Russia’s Interests:
    • Cold war-era relationships and colonial legacies have fostered connections between Russia and several Sahelian nations.
    • Sahelian countries, discontent with Western emphasis on human rights during counterterrorism operations, are drawn closer to Russia’s portrayal of an alternative approach.
    • Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine increased its interest in the Sahel, aiming to secure African allies and warn against military interventions in the region.
    • Open backing of military regimes in Mali and Burkina Faso, cooperation with the controversial Wagner group, and Niger’s shift from EU defense agreements to Russia exemplify Russia’s vested interest in the Sahel.
  • China’s Interests:
    • Presenting itself as an alternative to France, China emphasizes “non-interference” and “respecting sovereignty,” positioning itself as a partner in the Sahel.
    • Rich in natural resources like oil, uranium, and lithium, Sahel attracts Chinese state-owned enterprises like Ganfeng Lithium, investing heavily in Mali’s lithium reserves.
    • China views Sahel conflicts as opportunities to test its untested military hardware while also extending its economic footprint in the region.
  • United States’ Interests:
    • The US established its largest African drone base in Agadez, Niger, reflecting a significant military interest in the Sahel.
    • With Niger’s strategic location, the US uses it as a base for surveillance drones to cover the Sahel, West, and Central Africa.
    • Amid France’s decreasing military influence in the region, the US aims to counterbalance and prevent further military presence by Russia and China.

Implications and Future Prospects:

  • Despite economic instability and security challenges, the Sahel remains a critical region for global powers.
  • France’s waning influence and other nations’ rising involvement signal ongoing shifts in power dynamics, making the Sahel a region of continued global interest and competition in the coming years.


  • The Sahel’s geopolitical significance has garnered considerable attention from major global players like France, Russia, China, the EU, and the US.
  • Their varying interests, from historical ties to economic opportunities and strategic military positioning, underscore the region’s importance, which is likely to shape global power dynamics in the foreseeable future.