THE CONTEXT: Researchers at the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research in Japan have developed a solid electrolyte for transporting hydride ions (H−) at room temperature.


  • They have unveiled a groundbreaking discovery in the field of hydrogen-based energy solutions.
  • Their research introduces a novel material, a modified lanthanum hydride compound integrated with strontium and oxygen.
  • This innovation allows for the efficient conduction of hydride ions at room temperature, marking a significant advancement in hydrogen-based energy technology.

Overcoming Previous Limitations

  • The key breakthrough addresses previous limitations in hydrogen fuel cells, notably eliminating the need for continuous hydration and dependence on water.
  • Traditionally, hydrogen fuel cells required constant hydration to ensure efficient hydrogen movement, complicating design and escalating costs.
  • The new material’s capability to conduct hydride ions at room temperature bypasses this limitation, simplifying the design and reducing the operational complexity of hydrogen fuel cells.

Impact on Safety, Efficiency, and Energy Density

  • The development holds substantial promise for enhancing the safety, efficiency, and energy density of hydrogen-based energy solutions.
  • By enabling high-rate conduction of hydride ions, this breakthrough propels hydrogen-based solid-state batteries and fuel cells closer to practical application.
  • These improvements are crucial for advancing towards a viable hydrogen-based energy economy.

Scientific Breakdown of the Discovery

  • The study, published in Advanced Energy Materials, focuses on the creation of a solid electrolyte facilitating the transport of hydride ions (H−) at room temperature.
  • Researchers experimented extensively with lanthanum hydrides due to their unique properties:
    • easy release,
    • capture of hydrogen,
    • high hydride ion conduction,
    • low operational temperatures (below 100°C), and
    • a specific crystal structure.
  • The challenge lay in fluctuating hydrogen atom attachments to lanthanum at room temperature, termed hydrogen non-stoichiometry, hindering efficient conduction.
  • By substituting a portion of lanthanum with strontium and incorporating a small amount of oxygen in the compound (La1-xSrxH3-x-2yOy), the scientists achieved a breakthrough.
  • This modification enabled efficient hydride ion conduction at a high rate.

Experimental Validation and Performance

  • The team fabricated crystalline samples of the modified material through ball-milling and annealing processes.
  • Testing at room temperature revealed its exceptional ability to conduct hydride ions.
  • Further testing in a solid-state fuel cell, combining the new material with titanium, displayed promising results.
  • Optimal quantities of strontium and oxygen (0.2 strontium) led to 100% conversion of titanium to titanium hydride (TiH2), minimizing hydride ion wastage.

Future Prospects and Challenges

  • Scientists expressed the milestone achieved in providing material design guidelines for hydride ion-conducting solid electrolytes.
  • The team aims to further improve performance and develop electrode materials capable of reversible hydrogen absorption and release.
  • Achieving this would enable rechargeable “storage batteries” and efficient hydrogen storage and release, critical for practical hydrogen-based energy use.
  • While not explicitly mentioned in the study, current hydrogen-based fuel cell designs are susceptible to freezing temperatures, posing a significant challenge for widespread use.
  • The team’s work could potentially address this issue, making fuel cells more resilient in sub-zero conditions.


  • The recent breakthrough in developing a solid electrolyte for transporting hydride ions at room temperature represents a pivotal advancement in hydrogen-based energy technology.
  • It not only enhances efficiency but also simplifies design and reduces costs, laying a strong foundation for the realization of a practical hydrogen-based energy economy.
  • Further research and development aim to optimize performance, address storage challenges, and enhance safety, bringing hydrogen-based energy solutions closer to widespread adoption.

SOURCE: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/New-Discovery-Overcomes-Major-Hurdle-in-Hydrogen-Energy-Economy.html

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