THE CONTEXT: Recently, there has been an announcement regarding the expansion of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) by including Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates as full members.


  • It marks a significant development in the composition and global role of the grouping.
  • Additionally, Russia assuming the BRICS presidency in 2024 underlines its intentions and priorities for the organization’s future direction.

BRICS Expansion and Membership Dynamics:

  • New Member Inclusions:
    • The entry of Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates expands BRICS from five to ten member nations, signifying a substantial enlargement of the group.
  • Strategic Significance:
    • This expansion aims to bolster BRICS’ strategic weight in global affairs, counterbalancing Western dominance, and fostering a multipolar international order.
  • Principles and Goals:
    • The new members align with BRICS’ principles of sovereign equality, openness, consensus, and the aspiration for a multipolar global order and fair financial systems, as outlined by Russian President.

BRICS Evolution and Russian Chairmanship:

  • Formation and Evolution:
    • BRICS originated in 2006 as BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and expanded in 2010 with South Africa’s inclusion.
    • It now represents a significant segment of the global economy.
  • Russia’s Leadership:
    • Russia President highlighted Russia’s 2024 BRICS chairmanship’s motto of ‘strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security,’ emphasizing cooperation and integration of new members.
  • Agenda and Priorities:
    • Russia’s presidency aims to promote cooperation in politics, security, economics, finance, culture, and humanitarian fields.
    • The focus includes science, technology, healthcare, environmental protection, culture, and sports.

Future Strategies and Collaborations:

  • Inclusive Approach:
    • Russia President expressed openness to engaging approximately 30 other countries interested in joining BRICS discussions, exploring a new category for partner countries.
  • Policy Coordination:
    • Enhanced foreign policy coordination among member nations to address global challenges and regional stability issues remains a priority.
  • Planned Events and Culmination:
    • Russia plans to host over 200 events across different cities, culminating in the BRICS Summit in Kazan in October, highlighting the collaborative efforts and partnerships envisioned during the chairmanship.


  • The expansion of BRICS to include Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates as full members underscores the organization’s growing influence and commitment to a multipolar world order.
  • With Russia’s presidency, BRICS aims to foster cooperation across various sectors and nations, prioritizing multilateralism, global development, security, and cultural exchange.
  • The upcoming events and the BRICS Summit in Kazan will serve as pivotal moments for the organization’s collaborative endeavors and partnerships among member and interested nations.

SOURCE: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world/five-nations-become-full-members-of-brics-11987911.html/amp#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17042569312280&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com

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