WSDP Bulletin (07/12/2023)

(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)

Prelim and Main

1. What are radio galaxies? READ MORE

2. A theoretical approach to ferroelectricity in hafnia-related materials READ MORE

3. Scientists discover giant water mass in Atlantic READ MORE

4. 114 seats, migrant quota cleared for J&K Assembly READ MORE

5. Explained: How climate change is making the world sick READ MORE

6. Centre seeks Parliament nod for ₹1.29 trillion gross additional spending in FY24 READ MORE

7. Garba of Gujarat makes it to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list READ MORE

8. Mining for critical minerals: what is the auction process, and why is it important? READ MORE


GS Paper- 1

1. Socialism’s Self-Criticism and Real Democracy READ MORE

2. ‘Caste census will turn India into a Union of Castes’ READ MORE

3. Report Reveals ‘Catastrophic Loss’ To Himalayan Glaciers ‘Even at 2°C’ READ MORE

GS Paper- 2


1. The role of special inquiry committees of Parliament | Explained READ MORE

2. SC approves extension of Delhi Chief Secretary: Why governments keep their favourite bureaucrats READ MORE

3. Control + All or Delete: The Draft Broadcast Bill Is a Blueprint for Censorship READ MORE

4. AI Governance in India: Aspirations and Apprehensions READ MORE

5. Immutable data: Future of privacy in the context of biometrics, financial data and health data READ MORE


1. Take PMJAY to the next level READ MORE


1. Navigating the U.S.-China relationship | Explained READ MORE

2. The universal basis of human rights READ MORE

3. The fall and fall of international law: A Chronicle from Covid to Palestine READ MORE

GS Paper- 3


1. On the Goods and Services Tax: Healthier inflows from GST offer policy makers the bandwidth to fix its flaws READ MORE

2. Why State debt levels need a close watch bl-premium-article-image READ MORE

3. Insurtech is the next big thing after FinTech READ MORE

4. Is India losing sheen for investors? READ MORE


1. Hottest decade: Report says climate change spiralling out of control READ MORE  

2. Cleansing the air for healthier lives READ MORE

3. The Only Way to Deal With the Stubble Burning Issue Is to Treat It as a Policy Matter READ MORE

4. COP28: In a first, declaration puts focus on reforming global food systems, but India keeps away READ MORE


1. The looming threat of antimicrobial resistance READ MORE  

2. Artificial Intelligence is transforming the steel industry READ MORE


1. Cyber (in)security: Looking back at 2017 READ MORE

2. India’s coastal security paradox READ MORE


1. Lesson from Chennai: Give back flood plains to rivers READ MORE

GS Paper- 4


1. Only those who inquire are able to acquire READ MORE

2. The true end of learning READ MORE

3. Only right education can ensure world peace READ MORE

Questions for the MAIN exam

1. The world needs specific actions and commitments to address the root problems and promote the transformative change required to effectively tackle the climate crisis. Comment on the statement in the light of outcomes of COP 28.

2. Why is India resisting any targeted action at climate negotiations and how any radical move to change farming systems would harm the country’s rice cultivation and its large livestock sector?

3. In the absence of a consensus, the effective implementation of international laws remains challenging. Critically analyse the statement in the light of recent developments in international politics.

4. Critically analyze the security initiatives taken by the Government of India to secure India’s coastal area. How far do you agree with this view that despite significant improvements in India’s near-seas security architecture, the country’s coastal security project remains a work in progress?


  • We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.
  • Whether extension in service is the only way of recognising the services of excellent officers, however, needs more thought and better optics.
  • A step-by-step approach is the best to implement artificial intelligence. Scores of AI models are available for use in the steel units which can be tried without much hassle.
  • The liberal and attractive policy regime for investors, combined with a favourable business climate and reduced regulatory framework, have resulted in higher FDI inflows.
  • India needs to complement with a sound trade policy that boosts exports, encourages inclusive development, and incentivises R&D to make our manufacturing ecosystem globally competitive, thereby fetching FDI at a large scale.
  • In a developing nation or the Global South, cheaper availability of steel is a prequel to ensure sustainable development.
  • Adaptation of AI has the highest impact on steel manufacturing in the entire value chain.
  • The use of transformative technology will only go up in the days ahead. We need to be ready to adapt to the changes and implement it.
  • The government ought to take a serious look at urbanisation gobbling up large parts of flood plains and river beds, and initiate a sincere effort to retrieve them.
  • Given its funding limitations, PMJAY has not yet moved towards total health system financing in any part of the country, but its move towards paying hospitals on a package basis and not on a procedure-by-procedure basis has shown beneficial impacts.
  • One potential solution could involve purchasing stubble from farmers and storing it at nearby manned centres. Technologies such as the Pusa dispenser could be used to convert the stubble into manure.
  • We need specific actions and commitments to address the root problems and promote the transformative change required to effectively tackle the climate crisis.
  • India has always resisted any targeted action at climate negotiations because it argues that any radical move to change farming systems would harm the country’s rice cultivation and its large livestock sector.
  • In light of the rise of unilateralism and nationalist politics and disregard for multilateralism, there is a dire need for peace, justice and collaboration worldwide.
  • As the world burns with different simultaneous crises, an urgent and unwavering need is felt for a renewed commitment to existing structures of international law.
  • With rising distrust in such institutions, multilateral cooperation and adherence to basic tenets of human rights need to be the call of the hour.
  • Despite implementing a layered security architecture in the littoral seas, Indian security agencies are yet to develop the capability to fully monitor and control developments in the near-seas.


  • World has enough to satisfy everybody’s need, but not everybody’s greed.
  • All the wealth in the world is not worth it unless there is peace in the human heart.


  • Ironies apart, a document being negotiated at COP28 in petrostate UAE mentions phasing out fossil fuels is significant. Some rich nations can now wish fossil fuels away but coal remains important for many. This pledge is a positive global goal, but the journey there is not the same for everyone.
  • China has become the first nation to accept the Taliban’s ambassador, starting the normalisation of the outfit in the global order. This is the destiny of Afghanistan that everyone will have to accept, even as efforts continue to sustain international pressure on the Taliban for women’s rights and curbing terrorism.

Things to Remember:

  • For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
  • Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
  • For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
  • For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
  • Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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