WSDP Bulletin (30/11/2023)

(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)

Prelim and Main

1.  India’s GDP growth expected to slow to 6.3% in FY24: OECD economic outlook READ MORE

2. Government launches first-ever auction of critical minerals; 20 blocks up for sale READ MORE

3. Govt confident of meeting FY24 fiscal deficit target, committed to lowering it to 4.5% by FY26: Ajay Seth READ MORE

4. Conspiracy under PMLA stands only if listed crime involved: Supreme Court verdict READ MORE

5. 5 kg foodgrain to poor under PMGKAY for 5 more years, drones to 15,000 women SHGs: Key Cabinet decisions today READ MORE

6. India backs UNGA resolution over Israel not withdrawing from Syrian Golan READ MORE

7. Cabinet clears terms of reference for 16th Finance Commission READ MORE

8. Sri Lanka reaches agreement with India, Paris Club on debt treatment READ MORE

9. Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) – Quarterly Bulletin for July – September 2023 READ MORE

10. Understanding rat-hole mining READ MORE

11. History of UNLF, Meitei insurgent group that signed peace deal with Centre READ MORE

12. India needs a surplus of $101 billion in investment to triple RE targets, finds report READ MORE


GS Paper- 1

1. Rising student suicides shock Kota, India’s coaching capital READ MORE

2. Tropical cyclones cause more damage than we think — and India among countries facing high social cost of carbon READ MORE

3. Antarctic glacier dramatically moves eight kms after being stable for 50 years READ MORE

GS Paper- 2


1. Critics are priceless and not unreasonable READ MORE

2. Growing number of vacant positions at Information Commissions threaten RTI Act READ MORE

3. Supreme Court ruling on Governor powers will be a game changer for federal disputes READ MORE

4. Taking constitutional justice to the people READ MORE

5. Getting pharma regulation right should be top priority READ MORE


1. Social justice, sexual education, the need of our times READ MORE  

2. Engage the private sector in the battle against TB READ MORE


1. S&T Initiatives and the Strategic Advance of India–US Relations READ MORE   

2. Why India’s response to the China challenge in Ladakh is so lopsided READ MORE

GS Paper- 3


1. Indian economy’s ‘K-shaped’ recovery shows the rich are thriving, while the poor struggle READ MORE

2. How universities and industry can collaborate READ MORE

3. Towards an inclusive global tax regime bl-premium-article-image READ MORE


1. Realism, not rhetoric, should prevail at Dubai COP28 READ MORE

2. Climate finance, the North–South divide and India READ MORE

3. The climate hide and seek READ MORE


1. The urgent challenge of Artificial Intelligence regulation READ MORE  

2. A new hope for Tuberculosis patients READ MORE


1. Should India be worried about Myanmar’s rebel offensive? READ MORE

2. Digital payment fraud: Cybercrime needs a coordinated response READ MORE


1. A touchstone of risk: On the rescue efforts in the Silkyara tunnel in Uttarkashi READ MORE

2. Mining tragedy: Joint task force a must to curb illegal quarrying READ MORE

GS Paper- 4


1. To be stress-free, adopt ‘take it easy’ policy READ MORE

2. Your anger, your energy READ MORE

3. Ancient Indian democracy: Lessons for today READ MORE

Questions for the MAIN exam

1. How far do you agree with this view that the members of Parliament do not have the freedom to represent the public interest since they have to follow the party whip and politics is all about exercising power to serve the interests of the financiers of the party? Critically examine your view

2. The autonomy of the Reserve Bank is indispensable for safeguarding the integrity of the financial system, in turn, a necessary condition for economic stability. Comment.

3. Governors, who sought to display overbearing attitudes vis-a-vis the elected governments, using their discretionary powers under the Constitution.

4. The role of the governor is not clearly defined in Indian Constitution and the time has come to strengthen the Constitution and bring more clarity to the roles and responsibilities of the governor. Critically comment on the statement in the light of recent state governments governor tussle.

5. Deepfake technology not only poses a threat to the privacy of individuals but can be a challenge to national security. In the light of the statement do you think that a robust regulatory framework should be implemented?


  • The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
  • The lack of adequate Global South representation within climate governance is exacerbated by the actions of Global North States that underscore the hypocrisy of their inadequate provision of finance.
  • As one of the Global South’s leading States, India is in a prime position to represent Global South interests in climate governance issues.
  • The autonomy of the Reserve Bank is indispensable for safeguarding the integrity of the financial system, in turn a necessary condition for economic security.
  • The government is not treating the RTI Act as its own instrument for bringing to its notice its own shortcomings in performance.
  • Governors, who sought to display overbearing attitudes vis-a-vis the elected governments, using their discretionary powers under the Constitution.
  • When education is a right, it is only natural that sexual education is a part of it, which will transform gender relationships in society.
  • The Supreme Court now seems to realise that much more needs to be done quickly to make access to justice a right for all.
  • The UN’s move to develop a transparent tax regime and transfer rulemaking from the OECD must get India’s unstinted support.
  • Anger, a double-edged sword, needs careful handling. Right-channelling the energy released due to anger can raise one to great heights. Handled carefully, it is a door to justice and achievement.
  • Building a robust cybersecurity infrastructure requires high levels of investment and commitment. The Centre must continue playing its role of a facilitator, pushing the public and private sectors to deepen defences, expand detection capabilities and improve the response mechanism.
  • A well-regulated pharma industry is essential.
  • The education which does not help the common mass of people to equip themselves for the struggle for life, which does not bring out the strength of character, a spirit of philanthropy, and the courage of a lion – is it worth the name? Real education is that which enables one to stand on one’s own.


  • With 16th finance commission’s report due in October 2025, the finalisation of its terms of reference now is timely. However, without an updated Census, the Commission’s recommendations lose significant current value. It’s becoming increasingly urgent for government to come clean on its Census preparedness, something it’s been too tight-lipped about.
  • A 7.6 percent growth in Q2, when RBI predicted 6.5 percent, is a strong consolidation of Q1’s performance. Construction has surged, with double-digit growth on an already high base. Manufacturing, too, has turned around strongly. But the government should look into whether consumption’s lower contribution to GDP suggests income distress.
  • SC’s deadline for last rites of unclaimed bodies in Manipur can be a nightmare to execute. With Kukis in the hills and Meiteis in Imphal, even crossing territories is risky. The security situation is still broken. Rushing to meet deadline without a plan can push Manipur into the abyss again.

Things to Remember:

  • For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
  • Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
  • For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
  • For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
  • Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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