Day-539 | Daily MCQs | UPSC Prelims | SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY


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  1. Question 1 of 5
    1. Question

    1. With reference to various generations of DNA sequencing, consider the following pairs:
    Generation – Explanation
    1. 1st generation – Parallel sequencing
    2. 2nd generation – Sequencing of clonal DNA population
    3. 3rd generation – Single DNA molecule sequencing
    How many of the above pairs are correct?


    Answer: A
    DNA sequencing-
    DNA sequencing is a technique used to determine the nucleotide sequence of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The nucleotide sequence is the most fundamental level of knowledge of a gene or genome. It is the blueprint that contains the instructions for building an organism, and no understanding of genetic function or evolution could be complete without obtaining this information.
    ● Pair 1 is incorrect: The 1st generation sequencing involved sequencing of clonal DNA population. Under this, a population of nested, truncated DNA molecules was produced that represented each of the sites of that particular nucleotide in the template DNA. The molecules were separated according to size in a procedure called electrophoresis, and the inferred nucleotide sequence was deduced by a computer. It emerged in the 1970s. It included the Maxam-Gilbert method, discovered by American molecular biologists Allan M. Maxam and Walter Gilbert, and the Sanger method (or dideoxy method), discovered by English biochemist Frederick Sanger.
    ● Pair 2 is incorrect: The 2nd generation sequencing is also known as the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). The key feature of NGS is parallelisation of a large number of reactions. This is achieved through automation and miniaturisation of the reactions. This reduces cost without compromising on the efficiency of the method.
    ● Pair 3 is correct: The 3rd generation sequencing technologies offer the capability for single molecule real-time sequencing of longer reads, and detection of DNA modification. This method is currently under active development, and it is expected that there will be improvements to the high error rates.


    Answer: A
    DNA sequencing-
    DNA sequencing is a technique used to determine the nucleotide sequence of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The nucleotide sequence is the most fundamental level of knowledge of a gene or genome. It is the blueprint that contains the instructions for building an organism, and no understanding of genetic function or evolution could be complete without obtaining this information.
    ● Pair 1 is incorrect: The 1st generation sequencing involved sequencing of clonal DNA population. Under this, a population of nested, truncated DNA molecules was produced that represented each of the sites of that particular nucleotide in the template DNA. The molecules were separated according to size in a procedure called electrophoresis, and the inferred nucleotide sequence was deduced by a computer. It emerged in the 1970s. It included the Maxam-Gilbert method, discovered by American molecular biologists Allan M. Maxam and Walter Gilbert, and the Sanger method (or dideoxy method), discovered by English biochemist Frederick Sanger.
    ● Pair 2 is incorrect: The 2nd generation sequencing is also known as the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). The key feature of NGS is parallelisation of a large number of reactions. This is achieved through automation and miniaturisation of the reactions. This reduces cost without compromising on the efficiency of the method.
    ● Pair 3 is correct: The 3rd generation sequencing technologies offer the capability for single molecule real-time sequencing of longer reads, and detection of DNA modification. This method is currently under active development, and it is expected that there will be improvements to the high error rates.

  2. Question 2 of 5
    2. Question

    2. With reference to the Nanocomposites, consider the following statements:
    1. They are made up of two or more materials.
    2. All the combining materials must have similar properties for better fusion.
    3. There are no nanocomposite materials found in nature.
    How many of the above statements are correct?


    Answer: A
    A nanocomposite combines two or more materials, of which at least one is a nanomaterial (size 100 nanometer or less), with different physical and chemical properties. Nanocomposite materials are designed to exhibit properties that exceed, sometimes drastically, the capabilities of the sum of their constituent parts.

    ● Statement 1 is correct: The word composite means anything which is made up of two or more materials. nanocomposites are made up of two or more materials.
    ● Statement 2 is incorrect: The basic idea behind creating nanocomposites is to fuse two or more material of different physical and chemical properties so that the resultant material has qualities of all those materials.
    ● Statement 3 is incorrect: Some nanocomposites are found in nature, for example in the structure of the abalone shell and bone.


    Answer: A
    A nanocomposite combines two or more materials, of which at least one is a nanomaterial (size 100 nanometer or less), with different physical and chemical properties. Nanocomposite materials are designed to exhibit properties that exceed, sometimes drastically, the capabilities of the sum of their constituent parts.

    ● Statement 1 is correct: The word composite means anything which is made up of two or more materials. nanocomposites are made up of two or more materials.
    ● Statement 2 is incorrect: The basic idea behind creating nanocomposites is to fuse two or more material of different physical and chemical properties so that the resultant material has qualities of all those materials.
    ● Statement 3 is incorrect: Some nanocomposites are found in nature, for example in the structure of the abalone shell and bone.

  3. Question 3 of 5
    3. Question

    3. With respect to Lagrange Points, consider the following statements:
    1. At these points, gravitational force acting on a spacecraft is equal to the magnetic force, which is exerted by the planet.
    2. At these points, the fuel consumption for a spacecraft is reduced.
    3. There are five Lagrange points in the Earth-Sun system.
    How many of the above statements are correct?


    Answer: B
    Lagrange points are positions in space where objects sent there tend to stay at that position.
    ● Statement 1 is incorrect: At Lagrange points, the gravitational pull of two large masses precisely equals the centripetal force required for a small object to move with them.
    ● Statement 2 is correct: These points in space can be used by the spacecraft to reduce fuel consumption needed to remain in position.

    ● Statement 3 is correct: There are 5 such points – L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 in the Earth-Sun system. In fact, any planet-sun system in a solar system has 5 such points. Of the five Lagrange points, three are unstable and two are stable. The unstable Lagrange points – labelled L1, L2 and L3 – lie along the line connecting the two large masses. The stable Lagrange points – labelled L4 and L5 – form the apex of two equilateral triangles that have the large masses at their vertices. L4 leads the orbit of earth and L5 follows.


    Answer: B
    Lagrange points are positions in space where objects sent there tend to stay at that position.
    ● Statement 1 is incorrect: At Lagrange points, the gravitational pull of two large masses precisely equals the centripetal force required for a small object to move with them.
    ● Statement 2 is correct: These points in space can be used by the spacecraft to reduce fuel consumption needed to remain in position.

    ● Statement 3 is correct: There are 5 such points – L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 in the Earth-Sun system. In fact, any planet-sun system in a solar system has 5 such points. Of the five Lagrange points, three are unstable and two are stable. The unstable Lagrange points – labelled L1, L2 and L3 – lie along the line connecting the two large masses. The stable Lagrange points – labelled L4 and L5 – form the apex of two equilateral triangles that have the large masses at their vertices. L4 leads the orbit of earth and L5 follows.

  4. Question 4 of 5
    4. Question

    4. With reference to Artificial Intelligence (AI), consider the following statements:
    1. Self-driving cars are reactive machines.
    2. Self-awareness level of AI is a theoretical concept.
    3. General AI will be more intelligent than human beings.
    How many of the above statements are correct?


    Answer: A
    Artificial Intelligence can be divided in various types, there are mainly two types of categorization which are based on capabilities and functionality of AI.
    Based on capabilities
    1. Weak AI or Narrow AI: Narrow AI is a type of AI which is able to perform a dedicated task with intelligence. Narrow AI can fail in unpredictable ways if it goes beyond its limits. Some Examples of Narrow AI are playing chess, purchasing suggestions on e-commerce site, self-driving cars, speech recognition, and image recognition.
    2. General AI: General AI is a type of intelligence which could perform any intellectual task with efficiency like a human. These machines could think like humans. Currently, there is no such system exist which could come under general AI and can perform any task as perfect as a human.
    3. Super AI: Super AI is a level of Intelligence of Systems at which machines could surpass human intelligence and can perform any task better than human with cognitive properties. It is an outcome of general AI.
    Based on functionality
    1. Reactive Machines: Purely reactive machines are the most basic types of Artificial Intelligence. These machines only focus on current scenarios and react on it as per possible best action.
    2. Limited Memory: Limited memory machines can store past experiences or some data for a short period of time. Self-driving cars are one of the best examples of Limited Memory systems. These cars can store recent speed of nearby cars, the distance of other cars, speed limit, and other information to navigate the road.
    3. Theory of Mind: Theory of Mind AI should understand the human emotions, people, beliefs, and be able to interact socially like humans. These are still not developed, but researchers are making lots of efforts and improvement for developing such AI machines.
    4. Self-Awareness: Self-awareness AI is the future of Artificial Intelligence. These machines will be super intelligent, and will have their own consciousness, sentiments, and self-awareness. Self-Awareness AI does not exist in reality still, and it is a hypothetical concept.
    ● Statement 1 is incorrect: Self driving cars are Limited memory type. These cars store recent data of nearby activities and react in a swift manner. Purely reactive machines prompt to the scenario placed and react based on best possible actions.
    ● Statement 2 is correct: Self Awareness based AI is still a theoretical concept because these machines is considered to be the ultimate level of Artificial Intelligence.
    ● Statement 3 is incorrect: General AI is at par with human intelligence. They can think and act like humans.


    Answer: A
    Artificial Intelligence can be divided in various types, there are mainly two types of categorization which are based on capabilities and functionality of AI.
    Based on capabilities
    1. Weak AI or Narrow AI: Narrow AI is a type of AI which is able to perform a dedicated task with intelligence. Narrow AI can fail in unpredictable ways if it goes beyond its limits. Some Examples of Narrow AI are playing chess, purchasing suggestions on e-commerce site, self-driving cars, speech recognition, and image recognition.
    2. General AI: General AI is a type of intelligence which could perform any intellectual task with efficiency like a human. These machines could think like humans. Currently, there is no such system exist which could come under general AI and can perform any task as perfect as a human.
    3. Super AI: Super AI is a level of Intelligence of Systems at which machines could surpass human intelligence and can perform any task better than human with cognitive properties. It is an outcome of general AI.
    Based on functionality
    1. Reactive Machines: Purely reactive machines are the most basic types of Artificial Intelligence. These machines only focus on current scenarios and react on it as per possible best action.
    2. Limited Memory: Limited memory machines can store past experiences or some data for a short period of time. Self-driving cars are one of the best examples of Limited Memory systems. These cars can store recent speed of nearby cars, the distance of other cars, speed limit, and other information to navigate the road.
    3. Theory of Mind: Theory of Mind AI should understand the human emotions, people, beliefs, and be able to interact socially like humans. These are still not developed, but researchers are making lots of efforts and improvement for developing such AI machines.
    4. Self-Awareness: Self-awareness AI is the future of Artificial Intelligence. These machines will be super intelligent, and will have their own consciousness, sentiments, and self-awareness. Self-Awareness AI does not exist in reality still, and it is a hypothetical concept.
    ● Statement 1 is incorrect: Self driving cars are Limited memory type. These cars store recent data of nearby activities and react in a swift manner. Purely reactive machines prompt to the scenario placed and react based on best possible actions.
    ● Statement 2 is correct: Self Awareness based AI is still a theoretical concept because these machines is considered to be the ultimate level of Artificial Intelligence.
    ● Statement 3 is incorrect: General AI is at par with human intelligence. They can think and act like humans.

  5. Question 5 of 5
    5. Question

    5. Babesiosis disease affects which of the following components of the human blood?


    Answer: D
    Babesiosis is caused by microscopic parasites that infect red blood cells. The disease is transmitted mainly by ticks which become infected by feeding on infected cattle, roe deer and rodents, which are the main reservoirs for this parasite. Human babesiosis infection is treated with antibiotics and quinine. There is no vaccine available. Prevention from Babesiosis is limited to avoiding tick bites and promoting personal measures of protection against ticks.


    Answer: D
    Babesiosis is caused by microscopic parasites that infect red blood cells. The disease is transmitted mainly by ticks which become infected by feeding on infected cattle, roe deer and rodents, which are the main reservoirs for this parasite. Human babesiosis infection is treated with antibiotics and quinine. There is no vaccine available. Prevention from Babesiosis is limited to avoiding tick bites and promoting personal measures of protection against ticks.

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