Day-537 | Daily MCQs | UPSC Prelims | HISTORY


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  1. Question 1 of 5
    1. Question
    2 points

    1. With reference to the history of India, the term ‘suyurghals’ refers to:


    Answer: B

    ‘Suyurghals’ is the practice of granting revenue producing lands to scholars, theologians and
    others by the Mughal emperors which is tax free.
    It was an Mongolian tradition. The suyurghals holder was free from any administrative or
    judicial interference from the central government. There was no compulsory obligation to
    provide for military contingents.


    Answer: B

    ‘Suyurghals’ is the practice of granting revenue producing lands to scholars, theologians and
    others by the Mughal emperors which is tax free.
    It was an Mongolian tradition. The suyurghals holder was free from any administrative or
    judicial interference from the central government. There was no compulsory obligation to
    provide for military contingents.

  2. Question 2 of 5
    2. Question
    2 points

    2. Consider the following statements in the context of Mughals:
    1. They traced their paternal ancestry from Chingiz Khan and maternal ancestry
    from Timur.
    2. They followed the principle of primoginature in the inheritance of the throne.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


    Answer: D
    Statement 1 is incorrect: The Mughals in India proudly traced their ancestry to both Chingiz
    and Timur. In Babur Nama, emperor Babur talked of Chingiz, an ancestor of his mother and
    Timur, his paternal ancestor.
    Statement 2 is incorrect: The Mughals adopted the Timurid ‘appanage system’ or the
    principle of heritable division of territory. It means the entire empire will be divided amongst
    all the sons. Primoginature is the system in which the eldest son acquires the throne.


  3. Question 3 of 5
    3. Question
    2 points

    Consider the following pairs:

    Kingdoms                  Dynasties
    1. Bijapur                    Barid Shahi
    2. Berar                      Imad Shahi
    3. Golconda               Nizam Shahi
    4. Bidar                        Qutb Shahi

    How many pairs given above are correctly matched?


     Answer: A
    During the reign of Vijaynagara’s greatest ruler Krishnadeva Raya (1509-29), the power of the
    Bahmanis declined, leading to the emergence of five kingdoms:
    ● the Nizam Shahis of Ahmadnagar;
    ● the Adil Shahis of Bijapur;
    ● the Imad Shahis of Berar,
    ● the Qutb Shahis of Golconda and
    ● the Barid Shahis of Bidar


  4. Question 4 of 5
    4. Question
    2 points

    4. Consider the following statements about the idea of Dvaitadvaita:
    1. It was given by Ramanuja against the philosophy of maya by Shankara.
    2. The idea emphasises the identicality and the distinctness of the Supreme soul,
    individual soul and the inanimate world.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


    Answer: B
    Statement 1 is incorrect: Nimbarka (12th century), a Telegu Brahman, propounded the
    idea of Dvaitadvaita (bheda-bheda; dualistic-nondualism),against Shankara’s philosophy of
    maya (illusion).
    Statement 2 is correct: Nimbarka emphasizes that the Supreme soul (God) and individual
    soul and the inanimate world are both ‘identical’ (monism) and at the same time were
    ‘distinct’ (dualism). ‘They are identical in the sense that the individual soul and the
    inanimate world are entirely dependent on God and have no independent existence’. Thus
    Nimbarka’s philosophy is both ‘monistic and pluralistic’.


  5. Question 5 of 5
    5. Question
    2 points

    5. Consider the following pairs:

    Regions                         Known in ancient times

    1. Godavari basin                    Asmaka
    2. Krishna river valley           Kuntala
    3. Konkan                                Aparanta
    How many pairs given above are correctly matched?


    Answer: C

    The land south of the river Narmada was called by the Aryan settlers as Dakshinapatha and
    included the Dandakaranya which was so named from the vast forest that stretched
    southwards from the Tapti to the Godavari. During the early centuries of the common era
    Mahārāshtra consisted of three distinct portions, viz. the first, Vidarbha or Berar; the
    second, Asmaka or the Godavari basin (later known as Seuna Desh); and the third Kuntala,
    that is the valley of the river Krishnā. It also embraced the western coastal region known as
    Aparänta or Konkan, stretching from Daman in the north to Goa or even Karwar in the


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