(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)
Prelim and Main
- G7 appeals for humanitarian pauses in Gaza, seeks hostages’ release READ MORE
- The problem with India’s new guidelines on genetically modified insects | Explained READ MORE
- RBI to cut rates in 2024-25 if food inflation remains under control: S&P Global Ratings READ MORE
- World will overshoot 2030 coal limit to tame warming by twice over READ MORE
- Kerala Government forms Organic Farming Mission to boost climate-smart agriculture READ MORE
- One year of Project Cheetah: Hits, misses and paradigm shift ahead READ MORE
- Possible answer to farm fires: New rice variety can replace Pusa-44 READ MORE
- India’s Energy Conservation Building Code, 2017: Why the IEA called it a ‘notable exception’ among developing countries READ MORE
- Horn of Africa facing deadly floods due to El Nino-linked ‘above average’ rains READ MORE
GS Paper- 1
- Language: Emotional connect and more READ MORE
- Bihar survey exposes disparities among OBCs READ MORE
- The role of caste and gender in determining science education in India READ MORE
- Climate change made the multi-year drought 25 times more likely in Syria and Iraq, 16 times in Iran: Analysis READ MORE
GS Paper- 2
- Move towards e-FIR, but with caution READ MORE
- Reviewing freedom READ MORE
- Reserving poverty READ MORE
- As our democracy matures, my role is becoming more vital READ MORE
- Look beyond quota politics READ MORE
- Mensural hygiene: Adolescents continue to use cloth, pads are rare READ MORE
- Taiwan, a Malacca blockade and India’s options READ MORE
GS Paper- 3
- How tech can make India a farming powerhouse READ MORE
- Two-wheeler EV startups: The new growth engines READ MORE
- Local products can boost exports READ MORE
- The perils of patent amendments READ MORE
- Hurdles delaying formation of integrated theatre commands READ MORE
- How ignored landslide warnings led to Subansiri running dry READ MORE
GS Paper- 4
Questions for the MAIN exam
- The CAG promotes good governance practices and helps governments streamline their operations, reduce inefficiencies and adhere to financial discipline. Critically examine.
- The CAG plays a crucial role in this democratic framework by ensuring transparency, accountability, and financial integrity in the government’s functioning. Comment.
- The CAG helps maintain the separation of powers between legislature and executive by ensuring that the government’s financial activities align with legislative intentions. Comment.
- As India’s democracy matures, the role of CAG has become more vital in promoting good governance and safeguarding the people’s interests. Critically comment.
- Leveraging technology and digital solutions make audit’s citizen engagement more effective and scalable. Examine.
- Social audit is an effective tool for facilitating citizen oversight. How would you justify this statement?
- The 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments marked a quantum leap in India’s democratic set-up in creating tiers of self-governance below the level of states. Critically examine.
- Due to the envision of grassroots participation, Local bodies not only implement the schemes of governments but ensure transparency and visibility in these schemes. Justify with the help of relevant examples.
- The solution to crop stubble burning lies in turning waste into wealth by upcycling it.
- In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
- The CAG promotes good governance practices and helps governments streamline their operations, reduce inefficiencies and adhere to financial discipline.
- As India’s democracy matures, the CAG’s role becomes even more vital in promoting good governance and safeguarding the people’s interests.
- The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) plays a crucial role in this democratic framework by ensuring transparency, accountability, and financial integrity in government’s functioning.
- CAG helps maintain the separation of powers between legislature and executive by ensuring that the government’s financial activities align with legislative intentions.
- India stands as the world’s largest democracy, with a vibrant political landscape, a diverse society, and ongoing efforts to overcome various socio-economic challenges.
- By placing the Indian citizen at the centre for implementation of government programmes and as ultimate beneficiaries, there is an onerous expectation of the CAG to assess the preparedness and planning, as well as to monitor and recommend corrective actions for realisation of these economic, social and environmental aspirations.
- To effectively discharge this responsibility, it is important for audit to actively work in tandem with citizens, appreciating their concerns and feedback.
- In India’s federal, multiparty democracy with both Union and state governments responsible for implementation of numerous schemes, projects and programmes, enhancing engagement with stakeholders is imperative for audit.
- Leveraging technology and digital solutions make audit’s citizen engagement more effective and scalable.
- Social audit is an interesting tool for facilitating citizen oversight.
- The 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments marked a quantum leap in India’s democratic set up, as they created tiers of self-governance below the level of states.
- Empowering PRIs and urban local bodies and municipalities, envisions people’s participation in the process of planning, decision-making, implementation and delivery of a set of functions to be devolved to local governments by state legislatures.
- Carrying forward this recognition of local self-governance as the true manifestation of democracy and the CAG’s responsibility for ensuring accountability, an international centre for local governance has been envisaged.
- Female labour force participation rates have, in the past, tended to rise during times of financial stress as women stepped out to augment their household incomes.
- While the CAG catalyses good governance, transparency and accountability, the responsibility to nurture and protect democratic principles falls not only on our institutions but on every citizen.
- The proposed changes in patent law will endanger access to affordable medicines and benefit global big pharma.
- Both Hindus and Muslims in Kashmir must strive to understand each other’s viewpoints, fostering mutual trust and loyalty within the community.
- By adopting the principles of sustainability, non-violence, and respect for all life forms, we can work towards a more harmonious relationship with nature.
- Many worlds: Multipolarity in the new world order
- In a transforming India, where education and technology act as levelling forces, caste-based affirmative action, refined through caste numbers, can drive more extensive dialogues on aspiration, ambition, freedom, opportunity, and the necessity for a system where citizens are not unfairly privileged or confined by their identities. If a robust methodology were to be used, this effort would be vital in identifying and addressing fault lines to promote gender justice.
- Extending free food for another 5 years is an acknowledgement that the poor continue to need ample support for years ahead. The move also rings the final death knell of farm laws. If government grain procurement is going to be so high, then that rules out entry of private sector.
- Indian envoy in Ottawa describing Canadian police probe into Nijjar killing as tainted and wiretapping of diplomats as illegal shows Delhi is doubling down. But Canada is being duplicitous in citing Vienna Convention on parity even as it illegally tapped diplomats. G7 and Five Eyes can’t play by different rules.
Things to Remember:
- For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
- Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
- For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
- For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
- Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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