WSDP Bulletin (11-09-2023)

(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)

Prelim and Main

  1. Genetic engineering gives mosquito control an upgrade READ MORE
  2. Apple country gets ground ready for cannabis cultivation READ MORE  
  3. Regulator issues alert over sale of falsified versions of 2 drugs READ MORE
  4. As G-20 plans to explore crypto regulation, India may wait to firm up domestic laws READ MORE
  5. ‘India to see greater adoption of robotic vision correction’ READ MORE  
  6. What should be done with electronic waste? READ MORE  
  7. Online games of chance vs games of skill: What SC staying Karnataka HC order means READ MORE
  8. India-Europe Economic Corridor: What is the Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment that is behind the project? READ MORE
  9. India-Middle East-Europe mega economic corridor: What is the project and why is it being proposed? READ MORE


GS Paper- 1

  1. Kota suicides: Our children on the brink READ MORE
  2. Gender justice in India needs a fresh look READ MORE
  3. Why the earthquake in Morocco has caused so much damage READ MORE

GS Paper- 2


  1. Election, no longer a settled issue READ MORE
  2. One nation, two elections is the way to go here READ MORE
  3. The road to progress and politics is always varied in a democracy READ MORE
  4. Towards qualitative and effective democracy READ MORE


  1. Building resilience towards a sustainable and secure future READ MORE


  1. Is the G-20 a success for global cooperation? READ MORE
  2. Bridging a fragmented world order READ MORE
  3. Implications of BRICS expansion READ MORE
  4. What it means for global diplomacy READ MORE
  5. Upswing in India’s role in world affairs READ MORE

GS Paper- 3


  1. Secure and fair: On e-commerce trade practices and regulation READ MORE  
  2. Why India’s falling cotton production is a worry READ MORE
  3. MSMEs can drive India’s digital push READ MORE
  4. Graduate from fighting poverty to combating deprivation READ MORE
  5. UP expressways as pathways to progress READ MORE
  6. Time to rethink India’s farm exports strategy READ MORE


  1. Stocktaking the calamity: On climate crisis and the U.N. Global Stocktake report READ MORE    
  2. Another portent of climate doom READ MORE
  3. Does India’s air pollution impact more than just health? READ MORE


  1. Quantum computing, quantum risks READ MORE


  1. Redouble efforts to reduce disaster risks READ MORE
  2. Is the fire in Goa’s forest a manmade disaster? READ MORE

GS Paper- 4


  1. This Quote Means: Plato said, ‘The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior’ READ MORE  
  2. Break Free From The Cycle Of Imposing Conditions READ MORE

Questions for the MAIN exam

  1. Ensuring judicial independence requires the SC to formulate checks to regulate judges’ post-retirement conduct. In light of the statement, how far do you agree that SC’s decision to leave the colling-off period matter to the government for framing law is against the concept of check and balances?
  2. As the post-colonial order has crumbled and the demographic crisis looms, the accession of the African Union to G20 is a big deal for developing countries. Critically examine.
  3. Building an India-Middle East-Europe corridor is a brilliant idea, but it is not a counter to China’s BRI. How would you justify this statement?


  • Rules must be respected. If one wants to change them, a new consensus must be made.
  • The G-20 summit and India’s success in disaster risk reduction are an opportunity to accelerate international cooperation and build resilience to risks.
  • Love and belongingness become a natural process of our inner being if practised regularly with faith and devotion.
  • Simultaneous state elections are desirable but they should not be clubbed with a general election. Instead, simultaneous state elections should be held two and a half years after a general election.
  • Since the last decade was for ‘Brand India’, the current decade calls for replacing the economic giants/providing options to ensure global supply chain resilience.
  • The success of the G20 summits under the Indian presidency is a feather in the Modi government’s cap. India will now seek to step up its international role, and perhaps push its agenda for UN reform with greater vigour.
  • India’s G-20 presidency will be remembered for its momentary milestones and its audacity to envision and shape a more equitable and sustainable global future.
  • Under India’s guidance, the roadmap appears promising, with pathways to financial equity, digital inclusivity, and environmental sustainability shining brightly.
  • The idea of one nation, one election is just one of the many reforms that the country must undertake to strengthen democracy.
  • Uttar Pradesh’s expressway network signifies more than just roads; it symbolises progress, development and transformation.
  • As the state strides towards a brighter future, its expressways serve as a testament to the incredible outcomes achievable with visionary leadership and strategic infrastructure development.
  • It is noteworthy that before the formation of BRICS, there was hardly any effective global platform to raise the voice of the developing world.
  • Gender equality is fundamentally related to sustainable development and globally accepted as a necessity for the promotion of human rights.
  • India’s poor need better nutrition, healthcare and, perhaps most importantly, better education and help in skill development so that successive generations can deliver more productive workers.


  • The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior.


  • Building an India-Middle East-Europe corridor is a brilliant idea. It’s a wide multilateral initiative with the full G7 backing. It’s also important that PM Modi underlined building infrastructure that’s sustainable and doesn’t turn into a debt trap. He’s throwing the gauntlet at Xi Jinping. His BRI finally has a counter.
  • Lost among all the summit bling, the accession of the 55-member African Union as a G20 member is of huge consequence. As the post-colonial order has crumbled, and demographic crisis looms, China’s snapping up African resources. India must lead to ensure Africa doesn’t transition from one colonial era to another.
  • SC refused to fix cooling-off period for former judges to take up post-retirement political posts, leaving it to the government to frame a law. It’s set standards for others but is hesitant to do the same for itself. Ensuring judicial independence requires SC formulating checks to regulate judges’ post-retirement conduct.

Things to Remember:

  • For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
  • Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
  • For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
  • For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED. Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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