(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)
Prelim and Main
- Amid reports of shortage, FSSAI to conduct pan-India milk and milk products surveillance READ MORE
- Centre expects record production of rice, wheat READ MORE
- Explained | Why do judges recuse themselves and how? A look at recent judicial recusals READ MORE
- New committee set up to oversee cheetah project READ MORE
- Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana top states in Covid year, Delhi worst UT: Health index READ MORE
- Germany, world’s fourth-largest economy, enters recession READ MORE
- After three years, why has the RBI become a net seller of US dollars in FY2023? READ MORE
- India & South Pacific: Key takeaways from PM Modi’s visit; China’s diplomatic presence READ MORE
- India will unveil 18 new petaFLOP supercomputers for weather forecasting in 2023: What are FLOPs in computing? READ MORE
- Drought to deluge: Heavy rain causes flash flooding across southern Spain READ MORE
Main Exam
GS Paper- 1
- El Niño has cast a long shadow on the Indian economy READ MORE
- New forest law must strike a fine balance READ MORE
- 2023 hurricane forecast: Get ready for a busy Pacific storm season, quieter Atlantic than recent years thanks to El Niño READ MORE
- Anger and Aspiration in Caste Society READ MORE
GS Paper- 2
- An ordinance, its constitutionality, and scrutiny READ MORE
- Federalism sole safeguard against power overreach READ MORE
- India’s internet regulation laws need judicial oversight. Govt officials can’t match judges READ MORE
- Strengthening democratic law-making in the Parliament READ MORE
- How the Enforcement Directorate Has Become an Excessive Directorate READ MORE
- Providing affordable health services for all READ MORE
- In the Pacific islands, an Indian counter to China READ MORE
- India-Australia ties: Quad partners on the right track despite irritants READ MORE
- India to be a major player in the multipolar world READ MORE
- India’s Global Tech Alliance Choices Will Reduce Its Relevance In Its Own Neighbourhood READ MORE
GS Paper- 3
- Economics that looks at lower half of the pyramid READ MORE
- India’s employment problem and bad statistics READ MORE
- It’s bankruptcy that needs a rescue in India READ MORE
- Use data, technology to safeguard environment READ MORE
- India’s G20 presidency can show the way on disaster management READ MORE
- How the World Health Organization could fight future pandemics READ MORE
GS Paper- 4
- World is undergoing transformation READ MORE
- Remember god while celebrating happy moments READ MORE
- Dharma Bhavna READ MORE
Questions for the MAIN exam
- Centre taking the ordinance route to negate the Supreme Court’s ruling on control of services in Delhi is outrageous and it betrays a blatant disregard for democratic norms and constitutionalism. Critically Examine.
- How far do you with this view that India’s global alliance will have a negative impact on its neighbourhood policy and geography and geopolitics cannot be truly separated? Analyse your view.
- Parliamentary committees play an important role in strengthening parliamentary democracy. Comment.
- The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.
- India which has signed up for its emerging technology needs with the US-led tech ecosystem may face future difficulties in deepening trade and commerce with South Asian nations that have joined the BRI – and, consequently, the China-led tech logistics system.
- THE Parliament is the biggest symbol of democracy, and performs the essential functions of law-making, financial oversight, ensuring accountability of the Cabinet and representing people’s voices.
- Parliamentary committees play an important role in strengthening parliamentary democracy. They give a platform to MPs across party lines to express their individual thoughts beyond the party whip, sometimes even contradictory to party ideologies.
- An increase in the number of sittings, particularly for state legislatures, along with an enhanced framework for the opposition parties to raise their issues without disrupting government business, would be important steps in strengthening democracy.
- PM Modi’s international trip comes in the backdrop of an emerging new world order. His tour in the Quad area is mindful of how China and Japan have been jostling for power here. If India wants to be a player in the Indo-Pacific, it must court the smaller island nations.
- A multilateral world would be to India’s advantage and would also be welcome by the Global South. One of the end games of course would be a much-needed change in the structure of the UNSC and a permanent seat for India.
- Considering the priority being given to strong ties in the education sector, India and Australia need to effectively tackle the menace of visa fraud.
- While development is important, this cannot be done at the expense of India’s forests because such a move will be counterproductive.
- India’s focus must be on universal social, and ecological well-being; Indian political parties and economists need to refocus on the economy.
- Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
- Enabled by the North-East apathy in Indian political life, ethnic violence continues tearing Manipur apart. Home Minister Amit Shah’s strong call for peace is therefore welcome. He needs to make sure that thosefanning the flames on both sides of the ethnic divide in Manipur heed his message.
- Even with broken ties and trust across the aisle, the controversy over the new Parliament building inauguration is unfortunate. The onus on reaching out to the opposition lay with the Modi government. Separation of powers is the bedrock of our Constitution. This was a moment to strengthen, not weaken it.
- Retail inflation at an 18-month low and wholesale inflation in contraction is certainly good news for India, especially when global inflation is still high. This means an RBI rate cut could be coming soon. Government bond yields moving down makes this spot even sweeter. A rare confluence of good things.
- Centre taking ordinance route to negate Supreme Court’s ruling on control of services in Delhi is outrageous. It amounts to cocking a snook at apex court. It also betrays blatant disregard for democratic norms and constitutionalism. Forcing an elected government to be at bureaucrats’ mercy is an insult to voters.
Things to Remember:
- For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
- Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
- For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
- For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
- Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.