WSDP Bulletin (06-03-2023)

(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)

Prelim and Main

  1. Guidelines for UIDF likely to be released by March-end READ MORE  
  2. India is ‘dangerously close’ to Hindu rate of growth, says Raghuram Rajan READ MORE
  3. Nations reach accord to protect marine life on high seas READ MORE
  4. Explained | Why are index makers attracting attention from SEBI? READ MORE
  5. With overfishing, great seahorses bolt from the Coromandel READ MORE
  6. Reflections From a Project Tackling Learning Challenges in Assam’s Bodoland Region READ MORE
  7. What is the SWAMIH investment fund and its affordable housing push READ MORE
  8. Thane Municipal Corp warns against feeding pigeons: How living near the birds can lead to diseases in humans READ MORE
  9. Muggers of Rapti: Anthropogenic threats pose risk to saurians in Nepal’s Chitwan National Park, says study READ MORE

Main Exam

GS Paper- 1

  1. Unscrupulous Inequality READ MORE

GS Paper- 2


  1. Power against knowledge: On Centre for Policy Research FCRA licence suspension READ MORE
  2. SC order on ECI will bolster democracy READ MORE
  3. Proactive civil society vital for healthy democracy READ MORE
  4. If fraternity is a constitutional virtue, politics of the day is divorced from Constitution READ MORE


  1. Has Budget 2023-24 been successful in balancing gender priorities? READ MORE


  1. India’s moment under the diplomatic sun must be used READ MORE
  2. What India, as president of G-20 and architect of credo of non-violence, can do on Ukraine READ MORE

GS Paper- 3


  1. What India’s labour force and national income data tell us about jobs shifting from agriculture READ MORE
  2. Is India reverting to the Hindu rate of growth? READ MORE
  3. How to double India’s farmers’ income READ MORE
  4. Resurrecting three farm laws READ MORE
  5. How to Sustainably Boost Millet Crops Without Hurting Peasants READ MORE


  1. Generative AI and Large Language Models: The AI Gold Rush READ MORE


  1. Extreme wildfires are turning the world’s largest forest ecosystem from carbon sink into net-emitter READ MORE
  2. Missing in Budget 2023: Proactive Steps to Tackle the Rising Air Pollution READ MORE
  3. A new tech can reduce India’s pollution levels as well as fuel imports. What is standing in its way? READ MORE


  1. Cyberattacks are rising, but there is an ideal patch READ MORE
  2. Dealing with the cyber threats READ MORE


  1. Lessons from Turkey: How to make India earthquake prepared READ MORE

GS Paper- 4


  1. Love’s wisdom READ MORE
  2. A woman philosopher on a pedestal READ MORE
  3. Vedas and Management READ MORE

Questions for the MAIN exam

  1. How far do you agree with the view that the Supreme Court Judgement to establish a panel for the appointment of CEC is neither activism nor judicial overreach but a progressive step to secure the institutional autonomy? Analyse your view.
  2. ‘Mere allocation of large funds could not ensure the nation’s development or public welfare’. In light of this statement, do you agree with the view that there should be a third-party review, as recommended by the 15th finance commission, of the proper implementation of all Central Schemes?
  3. ‘Perfect’ Bureaucracy, a term coined by Prime Minister Modi, is not possible in India because of the politically influenced environment, but we can develop an able and sensitive administration to ensure that the benefits of Government schemes reach the poorest and well in time by effective implementation of Mission Karamyogi. Examine.


  • War does not determine who is right — only who is left.
  • The post of the Governor, a relic of the colonial era, often becomes a fifth wheel and a clog to democratic governance, when provincial autonomy is diluted, or an elected government is derailed.
  • Federalism is an integral part of the basic structure of our Constitution, and it is intertwined inextricably with the unity and integrity of the nation.
  • Despite recommendations of the Sarkaria and Venkatachaliah Commissions, active party politicians have been appointed as Governors. There are instances of young party loyalists being appointed as Governors who were later sworn in as Ministers in the States.
  • A look at the estimated receipt and expenditure position of Budget 2023-24 would make it clear that the Government is consciously ignoring the fiscal consolidation measures enunciated in the last year’s budget.
  • The judicial system ought not to enjoy unfettered freedom in the name of the independence of the judiciary.
  • There is a need for a reformed mechanism for the appointment of judges to the constitutional courts where the judiciary and executive could amicably come to the conclusion.
  • The rule of law requires that law be applied consistently & impartially.
  • Smart technologies and solutions thus have the potential to alter the entire value chain of businesses across industries.
  • Digitalisation is inevitable, but it must be adopted only after proper ‘digital literacy’; end users must be made aware of its drawbacks.
  • A country that is fast emerging as a global leader cannot afford to let an unhealthy preoccupation with the past cast a shadow on its promising future.
  • Technical and operational gaps leading to inclusion or exclusion errors must be plugged to ensure the money reaches the intended beneficiaries.
  • Reducing the inevitable negative impact of conflicts between major powers on the forum will be a diplomatic achievement for Delhi in G20.


  • The secret of all victory lies in the organisation of the non-obvious.


  • G20 looks after an unequal monetary system that serves the interests of the global capital and political elite. It represents powerful interests, but disdains standing up for the powerless. Civil societies flourish in nations that cherish constitutional democracy. Even democratic govts have a tendency to augment power at the expense of people’s rights. This propensity has to be controlled by civil society.

Things to Remember:

  • For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
  • Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
  • For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
  • For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
  • Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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