WSDP Bulletin (10/08/2022)

(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)

Prelim and Main

  1. Silent marches to recall Partition READ MORE
  2. The PESA Act, and the reason behind parties trying to woo tribals in Gujarat READ MORE
  3. What is AGM-88 HARM, the new anti-radar missile supplied to Ukraine by the US? READ MORE
  4. What Is Lumpy Skin Disease and Why Is it Raising Concerns? READ MORE
  5. Has Odisha’s Bhitarkanika reached a saturation point for its estuarine crocodiles? READ MORE
  6. ‘The rupee is a better-performing currency against the dollar on a trade-weighted basis’ READ MORE
  7. Monkeypox complications more common in children: Lancet study READ MORE

Main Exam

  1. Launch a national tribal health mission READ MORE

GS Paper- 2


  1. Withdrawal of the data Bill was a bad move: The enactment of the Personal Data Protection Bill into law would have helped create a framework for redress READ MORE
  2. Fair trial goes beyond courts, to the police and media: The media needs to aid mechanisms that aim to preserve the basic principles of the justice system READ MORE
  3. Rankings that make no sense: There are glaring flaws in the National Institutional Ranking Framework’s ranking of higher education institutions READ MORE
  4. A fundamental problem of democracies: What constitutes good and bad freebies? READ MORE
  5. Legislature reform is must in New India READ MORE
  6. As the Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act, 2022 Comes into Effect, Its Lack of Safeguards is of Concern READ MORE


  1. SC offers hope that right to abortion won’t be restricted by a woman’s marital status READ MORE
  2. Public healthcare, medical research lagging READ MORE


  1. India and Brazil in the Global Multilateral Order READ MORE
  2. China-US Tensions a Moment of Reckoning for the Indo-Pacific Order READ MORE

GS Paper- 3


  1. Implementation roadblocks persist in MSME financing READ MORE
  2. The polarised economy READ MORE
  3. OPINION: Priorities for building an energy-efficient Indian economy READ MORE


  1. Coastal area projects got Centre’s nod without proper environmental impact assessment, finds CAG READ MORE


  1. India beyond 75: Revamping our security needs READ MORE

GS Paper- 4


  1. Dealing with uncertainty READ MORE
  2. Katha Upanishad on Nachiketas’ tryst with death READ MORE

Questions for the MAIN exam

  1. ‘Justice is the law’s ultimate purpose, but it is sometimes an insufficient instrument for pursuing justice’. In the light of the statement discuss the need for a reformed bail law for India.
  2. ‘India should not lose strategic focus as it finds its feet in the global order’. In the light of the statement examine why India pursue its neighborhood policy at first place in its strategi relations?


  • Freedom is a path you choose every day.
  • The enactment of the Personal Data Protection Bill into law would have helped create a framework for redress.
  • The media needs to aid mechanisms that aim to preserve the basic principles of the justice system.
  • SC offers hope that right to abortion won’t be restricted by a woman’s marital status.
  • New India cannot be shaped by existing legislature, and it requires radical reform.
  • The democratic institutions function on conventions and rules. There is a growing need to accord greater importance to the convention of the good practices as had been the part of the legislatures in the early days of the formation.
  • In the UK, judicial accountability is a media free for-all—admittedly, mostly, but not solely, in the contumacious tabloids—unfettered by protestations.
  • In an era where great-power rivalries dominate and the relevance of multilateralism is being questioned, cooperation between India and Brazil can reinvigorate discussions and debates on reforming multilateral organisations.


  • India’s lower medals tally isn’t the headline from CWG 2022 in Birmingham but its stellar show in track and field events and racquet sports. This is the outcome of scientific training and commitment to excellence and should serve as a launchpad for a good medal haul at Paris Olympics 2024.
  • Unfortunately, the rise of the private sector has coincided with a decline in standards in govt institutions. It must not be forgotten that private healthcare is expensive and practically unaffordable for many. It is estimated that nearly three million people fall below the poverty line each year owing to expenditure on sickness. Medical insurance is hardly ubiquitous in India. In these circumstances, the importance of public healthcare facilities cannot be overstated.

Things to Remember:

  • For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
  • Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
  • For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
  • For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
  • Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.