May 10, 2024

Lukmaan IAS

A Blog for IAS Examination

WSDP Bulletin (01-03-2022)


(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)

Prelim and Main

  1. All India House Price Index rises 3.1 pc in Q3: RBI data READ MORE
  2. IPCC report warns of unavoidable multiple climate hazards READ MORE
  3. Could Turkey close the Bosporus to the Russian navy? READ MORE
  4. Everyday Global: What is the International Court of Justice READ MORE
  5. Bengal tiger, hoolock gibbon, snow leopard to face climate change wrath: New IPCC report READ MORE
  6. What is rain bomb? Australia hit by rare weather phenomenon, 8 dead. Check pics here READ MORE
  7. Japan and India renews Bilateral Swap Arrangement of up to $75 billion READ MORE

Main Exam  

GS Paper- 1

  1. School bullies: Learning needs of students need attention READ MORE

GS Paper- 2


  1. A judgement that could open floodgates to defection READ MORE
  2. When lawmakers bypass set norms READ MORE
  3. Corporate governance — Sebi’s volte face READ MORE
  4. Single Civil Services Exam outdated. UPSC holding separate exam for Indian Railways—good idea READ MORE


  1. A digital health revolution to empower citizens READ MORE


  1. Debunking Russia’s international law justifications: The grounds on which the Russian President has tried to justify Moscow’s illegal actions against Ukraine are erroneous READ MORE
  2. Counting the costs: Talks to end the war are a must as sanctions on Russia will hurt the wider world READ MORE
  3. The Real World Order: Only the United Nations Charter cannot help Ukraine READ MORE

GS Paper- 3


  1. Democratising STEM skills is crucial to creating a future ready India READ MORE
  2. What India should do to become a leader in green hydrogen READ MORE
  3. Disappointing numbers: Estimate of GDP growth for current year lowered READ MORE


  1. Adapt to climate impacts a priority READ MORE
  2. The Environmental Consequences of War READ MORE
  3. Climate change induced droughts major driver of food insecurity: IPCC report READ MORE

GS Paper- 4


  1. Beyond good intentions: Navigating the ethical dilemmas facing the technology industry READ MORE
  2. Why moral leadership matters now more than ever READ MORE

Questions for the MAIN exam

  1. Although civil society may not be an arena of the Fourth Generation Warfare, its potential for subversion of democracy and development is real. Critically Analyse.
  2. “There is a fundamental flaw in positing the state and the civil society debate as one of either-or, rather it must be framed as state and the civil society”. Explain the statement in the context of contemporary challenges faced by the third sector in India.


  • The tragedy of war is that it uses man’s best to do man’s worst.
  • The grounds on which the Russian President has tried to justify Moscow’s illegal actions against Ukraine are erroneous.
  • The biggest step towards democratising STEM would be the combined effort of all stakeholders — public and private — in the smooth transition to digital learning, where each and every student will be able to enjoy the experience of personalised lab equipment in a virtual setting.
  • As India makes significant strides in science and technology globally, a holistic and multidisciplinary approach is critical in STEM education.
  • The true democratisation of STEM education will not only empower learners to shape the workforce of tomorrow but also lead to unseen advancements in India’s STEM education sector.
  • As the world enters a new phase of hybrid working and learning, the blending of physical and digital learning will be more critical than ever.
  • Educational institutions are meant to provide a level playing field for students who come from a diverse background and the focus is on learning and acquiring skills.
  • At a time when classrooms are returning to normal after the long gap caused by the pandemic, efforts should be made for building a healthy atmosphere and instilling the right values in young minds.
  • Despite the rising acceptance of the role of digital health services, most of the digital health solutions, be it public or private, have continued to develop in a fragmented manner, restricted to their own silos, with little consideration of interoperability and a comprehensive larger picture.
  • A spike in inflation would have complicated long-term consequences, and therefore extraordinary measures to manage it might be considered.
  • The impact on food availability and nutritional quality will increase the number of people at risk of hunger, malnutrition and diet-related mortality


  • The anti-defection law was designed to eliminate political defection. However, the judgment of the Bombay HC seems to assume that paragraph (4) of the 10th schedule is meant to facilitate defection. This judgment is likely to open the flood gates to defection. The Supreme Court must intervene quickly.
  • Facing crippling sanctions, mired in an un-winnable war, Russian President Vladimir Putin is threatening an atomic apocalypse. Letting nuclear blackmail succeed will only sow seeds for more. The world must make clear the onus is on Putin to negotiate a way out of the corner he has backed himself into.
  • A small state like Haryana has an anomaly of 20 IAS chief secretaries as of today. This kind of top-heavy bulge in states is unsustainable, especially with the centre also saying it is short of IAS officers. Such shortages in critical areas indicates a severe HR crisis in the bureaucracy.

Things to Remember:

  • For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
  • Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and also exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
  • For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
  • For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
  • Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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