WSDP Bulletin (10-08-2021)

(Newspapers, PIB, and other important sources)

Prelim and Main:

  1. PM releases 9th installment of PM-KISAN READ MORE
  2. PM Modi chairs UNSC debate, proposes 5 principles to build global maritime security road map READ MORE
  3. India on track to achieve WHO-recommended doctor-population ratio NITI Aayog member Vinod Paul READ MORE
  4. Explained: All you need to know about the Tribunals Reforms Bill, 2021 passed in Rajya Sabha on August 9 READ MORE
  5. 11,000 crore rupees for new edible oil mission, says PM Modi READ MORE

Main exam:  

GS Paper- 2


  1. Pegasus scandal points to the making of a surveillance state in India. Our freedoms are at stake READ MORE
  2. When the political class unites READ MORE
  3. Protection from police: CJI’s remarks should expedite steps to stop custodial torture READ MORE


  1. Absence of real education READ MORE


  1. The road ahead from Gogra: While disengagement happens, a long-lasting solution along the LAC remains a challenge READ MORE
  2. The importance of the Gulf in shaping the geopolitics of Afghanistan READ MORE

GS Paper- 3


  1. A circular economy for plastic: The India Plastics Pact will benefit society, the economy and the environment READ MORE
  2. Supporting growth outweighs inflation unease READ MORE
  3. Riddle of the global minimum corporate tax rate READ MORE



  1. IPCC: Overwhelming Evidence of ‘Irreversible’ Human Footprint on Climate READ MORE
  2. Code red: IPCC’s warning on climate points to a small window of opportunity that still exists READ MORE
  3. One way India could help both landowners and wildlife is by encouraging agroforestry READ MORE

GS Paper- 4


  1. Can finite objects give infinite happiness? READ MORE

Questions for the MAIN exam

  1. ‘For smaller economies, the 15 percent minimum corporate tax rate might look attractive, but it will be a great burden on the smaller companies operating inside the smaller economies’. Comment.
  2. ‘As India has had a strained relationship with the Taliban; it should not initiate talk with Taliban’. Do you agree with the view? Analyze your view.


  • Authority does not come from the loudest voice, but the wisest.
  • India is one of the most agriculturally productive landscapes in the world.
  • While the recent moves towards restoring the peace are certainly welcome, finding a more long-lasting solution to ensure peace along the LAC will present a taller challenge.
  • If emissions continue to rise, oceans and land, two important sinks and the latter a key part of India’s climate action plan, would be greatly weakened in their ability to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide.
  • A decade later, it is quite clear, Qatar’s “peace project” in Afghanistan was about legitimising the Taliban at expense of the current political order in Afghanistan.
  • Saudi Arabia and the UAE, whose interests are threatened by the Taliban’s religious extremism, are not going to sit back forever. Integration of the Gulf into India’s regional security calculus is now likely to be a permanent feature.
  • The constitutional amendment on OBC reservation was needed. But it also shows the limits of political imagination.
  • A robust and advanced military preparedness along the entire perimeter of our nation is the only iron-clad permanent security guarantee.
  • Without the freedom to think freely, there are no rights that can be exercised by anyone. If we leave this discussion only to politicians and don’t hold them accountable this time, we are doomed to live through the death of freedom.


  • Intelligence is not a measurable product; it is the ability to live meaningfully.


  • The latest IPCC report only confirms our worst fears about global warming and climate change, including for us in India. Drastic cuts in emissions now won’t reverse the damage already caused but will prevent the future from being worse. Rich countries can’t delay financing poor ones as they’re evidently equally vulnerable.
  • The incendiary anti-Muslim slogans in the heart of India’s capital are an appalling call to violence. That they chanted this under the banner of Bharat Bachao Andolan is doubly troubling. Swift police action and public outrage against the organisers of this event and chanters should be unequivocal, substantive and deterrent.

Things to Remember:

  • For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
  • Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do mapping work (marking those areas in maps and also exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
  • For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
  • For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED.
  • Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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