WSDP Bulletin (22-09-2023)

(Newspapers, PIB and other important sources)

Prelim and Main

  1. RS clears women’s Bill unanimously READ MORE
  2. ‘China, Russia must deepen cooperation’ READ MORE  
  3. China, U.S. and India absent at U.N.’s Climate Ambition Summit READ MORE
  4. ISRO hoping to wake up Vikram and Pragyan today READ MORE
  5. Why India-Canada tensions have masur daal traders worried READ MORE
  6. India-Canada ties in numbers: 5 key indicators on immigration, trade and more READ MORE
  7. BL Explainer: All you want to know about Women’s Reservation Bill 2023 READ MORE
  8. What Would Signal Life on Another Planet? READ MORE


GS Paper- 1

  1. Delimitation debate: gender vs regional, caste identities READ MORE
  2. We don’t need this education READ MORE
  3. India’s pressure-cooker education system READ MORE
  4. SDG Summit 2023: World needs investment of over $6 trillion to transform food systems, end hunger by 2030 READ MORE

GS Paper- 2


  1. One Nation One Election: Together, for the greater good READ MORE
  2. Bench strength: CJI must move fast to create permanent constitution benches, which will address one part of case pendency READ MORE
  3. Guiding spirits of the judiciary: It’s important to publicise decisions of judges who cannot be swayed by dangling carrots READ MORE
  4. Freebie quagmire READ MORE
  5. Is ‘One Nation, One Election’ really feasible? READ MORE


  1. On hypertension and the first WHO report on the subject READ MORE


  1. The India-Canada standoff: What led to it, the problems it raises READ MORE
  2. Shyam Saran writes: BRICS is growing – and that doesn’t hurt India’s interests READ MORE
  3. Indo-Canada relations sour READ MORE

GS Paper- 3


  1. Tracking India’s growth trajectory READ MORE
  2. Propelling India’s development the right way READ MORE
  3. On India’s GDP numbers, cherry-picking data, raising doubts READ MORE
  4. Exports underperform, pointing to weaknesses in economy READ MORE
  5. Inflation demands continued attention READ MORE


  1. G20 impetus against climate change READ MORE
  2. Shun development at the cost of environment READ MORE  
  3. Carbon removal: Why ambitious ‘no nonsense’ plans are vital to limit global heating to 2°C READ MORE


  1. NASA releases UFO report, says new science techniques needed to better understand them READ MORE


  1. Disasters in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand point to flawed development model READ MORE

GS Paper- 4


  1. Be eternally happy, unite with your soul nature READ MORE
  2. The bridge of love READ MORE

Questions for the MAIN exam

  1. Political empowerment of women is rightly perceived as a powerful and indispensable tool for eliminating gender inequality and discrimination. Critically comment on the statement in the light of recent developments in Indian politics.
  2. The unprecedented inclusivity, people-centric approach and the global impact of India’s G20 presidency fostered cooperation and addressed critical global challenges while amplifying the voices of both developed and developing nations. How would you justify this statement?
  3. Universal health coverage is incomplete without ensuring the efficient working and presence of a well-equipped primary health care center. How would you justify this statement? Political empowerment of women is rightly perceived as a powerful and indispensable tool for eliminating gender inequality and discrimination
  4. The USA bolstering its alliances in the Indo-Pacific region to counter China puts India’s strategic autonomy to the test. In light of this statement, analyse how can maintain its strategic autonomy while countering China in Indo-Pacific region?
  5. A small group of wealthy people have a significant impact on GDP values. In the light of this statement discuss the limitations of using GDP to measure people’s well-being.
  6. Women’s reservation in Parliament is not about numbers but making the Indian democracy truly representative and responsive to all its citizens. Comment.
  7. Representation of women in the legislature can significantly improve the quality of lawmaking, empowering both women and the nation. Critically comment.


  • Democracy is made up not only of the executive, but also the legislature and the judiciary.
  • Climate shocks, particularly droughts which are becoming more frequent now and occurring in unlikely locations, have caused the most upheavals in global food supplies.
  • Giving India’s masses the social and the human capabilities required for upward mobility will be the equivalent of a lunar takeoff in economic progress.
  • India must redouble efforts to make economic growth more inclusive and broad-based. Education, especially higher education, should be accessible to all, including the dispossessed.
  • An expanded BRICS will not hurt India’s interests. It must engage with all — BRICS, SCO, Quad and G7.
  • An expanded BRICS need not detract from India’s interests and it does not need to choose between BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Quad and regular engagement with the G7 as has now become the practice over several years.
  • The financial burden imposed by frequent general elections is huge. If expenses of state assembly elections, by-elections, local bodies and panchayat polls are added to this, the annual election expenditure becomes astronomical.
  • Fewer election cycles mean less disruption in government work, allowing bureaucrats and elected officials to focus on governance.
  • Political empowerment of women is rightly perceived as a powerful and indispensable tool for eliminating gender inequality and discrimination.
  • Selfless service is the doorway to inner beauty. It gradually obliterates the ego, allowing us to merge into the bliss of God.
  • Stringent legislation has been introduced in some states to deal with paper leak and recruitment scams. The deterrence strategy can work only if the issue is handled with seriousness.
  • The judiciary and the armed forces of Bharat are our last refuge for justice and security.
  • Delhi Declaration gave an inclusive and egalitarian vision for combating climate change as it takes into account the local circumstances.
  • In a country already battling with the challenges of water crisis, environmental degradation, and climate change, the details contained in the FSI’s 2021 report simply indicate the need for a complete paradigm shift in India’s approach towards forest and biodiversity conservation.
  • With all our technological prowess and advances in the means of communication and travel (including outer-space) we have no place to escape from our global predicament.
  • With all our technological prowess and advances in the means of communication and travel (including outer-space) we have no place to escape from our global predicament.
  • If students in higher education today are facing a crisis, addressing it requires a more comprehensive approach.


  • Democracy requires courtesy in political dialogue and tolerance of policy dissent.


  • The government’s decision to suspend visa applications from Canadians shows world capitals they’re dealing with a new, assertive India. India’s making clear it won’t be pressured when it comes to vital national security interests like terrorism. This sends a message not just to Canada, but all countries harbouring anti-India terrorists.
  • Energy demand is skyrocketing despite great strides in the development of renewable sources of energy in which India has launched several global initiatives. The truth is that the world is running out of fossil fuels also referred to as cheap oil. Unless the global community unitedly addresses these challenges transition to a cleaner and greener world would be a utopian dream.

Things to Remember:

  • For prelims-related news try to understand the context of the news and relate with its concepts so that it will be easier for you to answer (or eliminate) from given options.
  • Whenever any international place will be in news, you should do map work (marking those areas in maps and exploring other geographical locations nearby including mountains, rivers, etc. same applies to the national places.)
  • For economy-related news (banking, agriculture, etc.) you should focus on terms and how these are related to various economic aspects, for example, if inflation has been mentioned, try to relate with prevailing price rises, shortage of essential supplies, banking rates, etc.
  • For main exam-related topics, you should focus on the various dimensions of the given topic, the most important topics which occur frequently and are important from the mains point of view will be covered in ED. Try to use the given content in your answer. Regular use of this content will bring more enrichment to your writing.
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